Raw Caramel Slice with Crunchy Almond and Chocolate Topping

This recipe is not as quick and easy as most of the other recipes i have recently added but it is super tasty! Its done in 4 layers and needs to be left in the freezer to set for a couple of hours before the last layer is added, then refrozen! So this is definitely a rainy sunday afternoon recipe, or whenever you have a bit of free time. But it is defiantly worth it! Especially if you are a chocolate lover.

This recipe also has a few extra ingredients that haven't been in my other recipes - like cacao nibs, which are cacao beans roughly broken into smaller pieces. The packet says and i quote "This is chocolate indulgence in its purest state". It is also uses Tahini, which is a paste made from ground, hulled sesame seeds. Both of these can be found in health stores or online. You could get away with not using cacao nibs in this recipe, so if you can't find them don't stress - they can also be  rather expensive.

Liv and Lauren were here once again to try out this recipe and they enjoyed it! I loved Lauren's comment after we had just demolished 2 pieces of clean sponge cake and she had just bitten into this tasty slice of heaven. She said "I haven't not liked any of these treats that you have made yet". Thanks LC i'll take that as a compliment!



1 cup of dates
1/2 cup desiccated coconut
1/4 cup of pecans
3 tablespoons of raw cacao powder
1 tablespoon of tahini
A pinch of salt


1 1/2 cups of dates
1/4 cup of tahini
1/3 cup of water
1/2 tablespoon coconut oil (melted)
1/2 tablespoon of maple syrup


1/2 cup almonds
1/4 cup raw cacao nibs
1 tablespoon of maple syrup


1/4 cup coconut oil (melted)
1 tablespoon of maple syrup
1/4 cup of raw cacao powder



1. Add all the ingredients into a food processor and blitz until smooth.
2. Line a tray (21cm x 21cm square tray) with glad wrap. Firmly and evenly press the mixture into the tray.
3. Put the base into the freezer to set while you make the other layers.


1. Put the dates into the food processor and blitz until it becomes a paste.
2. Add the rest of the ingredients to the processor and process until combined.
3. Scoop out 1 heaped teaspoon of the mixture and set aside for the next layer.
4. Take the biscuit base out of the freezer and evenly spread the rest of the caramel layer on top of the biscuit base with a spatula.
5. Put back in the freezer to set while making the next layer.


1. Put the heaped tablespoon of caramel layer into the food processor with all the other ingredients and pulse until just combined (not blitzed too finely).
2. Take the slice out of the freezer and spread the almond mixture evenly with a spatula over the caramel layer.
3. Leave in the freezer to set for 2 hours minimum.


1. Combine the melted coconut oil in a bowl with the maple syrup (mix with a fork).
2. Add the raw cacao powder and whisk with a fork until the mixture is smooth.
3. Take the frozen slice out of the freezer and drizzle or pour the chocolate over top.
4. Put back in the freezer for 15 minutes to set.
5. Cut into squares or leave as a whole slice and cut when needed. Store in the freezer (no defrosting required).

Enjoy x


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