Raw Bounty Bars

I am dedicating this utterly mouth watering recipe to Mary who whilst on our recent travels around Europe found herself in the early hours of the morning after a night out in Split (Croatia) trying to buy 8 bounty bar ice creams in the corner shop on the way home. Luckily Liv and I turned around just in time to talk her out of it and explain by the time she ate 3 of them all the rest would have melted... after stealthily taking a handful off the counter and putting them back in the freezer without Mez knowing, she was left with 4 bounty ice creams (but thought she still had 8). She took these back to the boat and din't share them with a soul and let me tell you she enjoyed every last bite of those bounties. Not to mention the many bounty ice creams and gelato (or gelati apparently if you are from Australia) we taste tested in every country we went to in Europe. So now every time i see a bounty bar i think of you (sorry Mez, i had to share:)!) x. 

I think i died and went to bounty heaven! This bounty bar recipe is the bees knees! I thought that brownie recipe couldn't be beaten, but i think it just has. So much flavour in such a small slice of heaven. I don't think i could ever buy an actual bounty bar from the shops again after eating this. AMAZING! This is also another super easy recipe with a small amount of ingredients and no baking required :)! This recipe is broken into two parts.

Coconut Layer 

2 cups of organic desiccated coconut 
1/2 cup of raw cashew nuts
2 tablespoons of raw honey or maple syrup 
1/2 teaspoon on natural vanilla extract 
A pinch of salt 

1. Line a loaf tin with baking paper overhanging the sides (i used tin foil because i ran out of baking paper and greased it with olive oil cooking spray and it worked just as well). 

2. Put all the ingredients into a food processor and blend on high until the mixture becomes a smooth thick paste (you do need to blend it for a while - stop a few times in between mixing and scrape down the sides). 

3. Tip the mixture into the loaf tin, then press the mixture down firmly and evenly (i use a spoon). Put this in the fridge to begin setting while you move onto the next layer.

Chocolate Layer 

3 tablespoons of coconut oil (hard)
3 tablespoons of cacao powder
2 tablespoons of honey

1. Put all the ingredients into the food processor and blend until smooth (doesn't take very long).

2. Get the coconut layer from the fridge and spread the chocolate mixture on top. The chocolate mixture can be very hard to spread so with clean hands or gloves, i usually spread the chocolate as much as i can with a spatula and then use my fingers to spread the last of the chocolate out evenly, plus you can make pretty patterns in the chocolate too. 

3. Put the layers back into the fridge and leave to set (i usually leave it in the fridge for an hour or longer).

4. Take it out of the fridge once it is set and cut into thick slices (i cut them in half again for mini bars, which makes them easy to store and are great for children). You can sprinkle coconut over the top if you like. 

Store in an air tight container in the fridge so they stay set until they are all gone! 

Enjoy x


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