Activated Nuts

Last week I purchased Sarah Wilson's I Quit Sugar book and found it so interesting. I would recommend it to anyone (especially sugar lovers). It makes you stop and think about the amount of sugar you consume daily and the effects sugar has on your body. It also has an 8 week detox programme to help you eliminate sugar from your diet. I have started the 8 week programme so i'll keep you posted as to how I go. I will be putting up recipes from Sarah Wilson's IQS book and other recipes I try out throughout the 8 weeks of detoxing from sugar! Wish me luck :)!

By this point I bet your  thinking "What are activated nuts?"... well nuts and seeds contain poisons in the husk that can make them hard to digest. Soaking and drying nuts and seeds causes them to sprout, which activates enzymes that make them easier to digest and metabolise. The more enzymes you get from food, the less your own body's enzymes are needed to break down food - see Sarah Wilson's "I Quit Sugar" book for more information.

I used about 100g each of almonds, pecans and walnuts for this recipe but pistachios and pumpkin seeds also work well. Oily nuts like cashews and macadamias can go soggy so they need to be soaked for no longer than 6 hours.

I left them for 12 hours in the oven but I think they could've done with a bit longer. It gives the nuts a lovely roasted flavour.


1 bag of non-oily nuts and/or seeds (I use a small bag of each different nut/seed) 
A pinch of sea salt


1. Soak the nuts/seeds overnight in a covered pan of water with the salt.

2. Drain the nuts/seeds. Then spread them out on to a baking tray (no baking paper or oil).

3. Put the nuts/seeds into the oven to try for 12-24 hours on the lowest temperature possible (less than 65℃).

4. Take them out of the oven and allow to cool.

5. Once cooled store in a container. They are best kept in the freezer because they last longer and because of their oil content they don't actually freeze. Freezing them also makes them crunchier.

Enjoy x


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